Year 6

Week 1 - Monday 20th April 2020

Hello Year 6,

Welcome back to the start of the summer term! As you can see, we have a new home learning website. There are lots of good resources here to support your learning as well as sites relating to online safety.

We are going to continue using Google Classroom as our main location for all the learning so keep checking in there for updates.

This week Anthony is kicking things off with a story and some artwork relating to it. The video is here and in Classroom

In the meantime we are starting to establish a nice routine to the week:

Mathletics - this week we are focusing on metric conversions. We will start with length and distance then move on to mass and volume. Remember to think "Does it make sense?" when you are converting measurements. Essentially you are only multiplying or dividing by 10, 100 or 1000 but choosing the correct one is essential. There will be a live lesson on Friday at 2pm to look through the methods and answers.

Monday - 3 ten-minute tests - one Maths, one SPaG, one Reading. Mark them (or have someone else do so), and make sure you understand what you did wrong, if anything!

Tuesday - the spelling test will be up in Classwork.

Wednesday - try and do an arithmetic and a reading comprehension. The answers to the spelling will be in Classwork too.

Friday - Live Lesson - The main focus will be the Mathletics quations but let us know if there is anything that comes up during the week that you would like us to discuss.

Have fun and we'll see you on Friday.

A and A

For those who may be having issues viewing the videos on Classroom here they are:

The story of Arthur

Merlin and poetry

Merlin and Poetry.mp4

Spelling test

Spelling Test 2018

Spelling answers

Spelling 2018 Answers.mp4

Thursday digression - The Goldilocks choice

The Goldilocks