Key Stage 3

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum

During Year 7 & 8 we focus on the development of fundamental physical literacy and begin the curriculum with cementing key movement skills for all pupils.

The Sport and PE webpage reflects the newly designed core PE curriculum that has been launched in September 2022. This offers a more concept based model for PE lessons, moving away from prescriptive half termly sport based units and instead delivering term long units combining the delivery of skills, attributes and offering students the chance to develop a rounded understanding of the relationships between movements, skills and behaviours between a variety of sports and activities.

Games lessons offer the whole year group an afternoon of sport. Groups are formed based on ability to allow students and staff to work with like-minded performers around them. Throughout the winter, groups will rotate around Hockey, Netball, Football, Rugby and Basketball. This season is completed with a half term of interhouse sport, allowing all students the opportunity to compete and represent their house in a wide range of sports.