
Borlase Rowing started in 1921 and provides on the water rowing for boys and girls from year 8 through to year 13. Indoor rowing takes place as part of the curriculum for year 7 to year 9.

The club has a sculling focus teaching beginners in a mix of single sculls, doubles, coxed quads and octuples. We welcome a large number of beginners in year 8 and 9 with the aim of learning the basics and having fun.

The club competes throughout the school year at local and national events. We look to provide as many opportunities as possible for the rowers to race in a range of boats both sculling and sweep. The premier boat for the senior end of the school is the coxless quad and we aim to develop crews to challenge at the National Schools Regatta and Henley Royal Regatta.

The last decade has been the most successful in Borlase Boat Club history with the school winning the Fawley Challenge Cup at Henley Royal Regatta in 2012, 2014 and 2015.

Henley Royal Regatta 2021

This summer saw the school become the first ever to qualify crews in all four of the junior categories as they introduced a junior women's eight for the first time. This follows on from 2015 when the school was the first to qualify boats in all three of the junior boat categories at that time. The 2021 crews:

Sasha (S), Millie (3), Ana (2), Emily (B)

Ross (S), Hector (3), Ben (2), Ethan (B)

Dylan (B), Toby (2), Will (3), Ed (4), Alex (5), Alex (6), Billy (7), Willem (S), Charlotte (C)

Kat (B), Sofia (2), Katherine (3), Emily (4), Athena (5), Rheyar (6), Giulia (7), Ines (S), Raf (C)