Curriculum overview

Through our curriculum, the Music Department aims to provide outstanding, exciting, wide-ranging and practical lessons in which all students learn and apply a variety of musical skills and knowledge. As part of this students learn and appreciate music from a variety of cultures and traditions. The three core musical skills of listening/appraisal, composition and performance are regularly utilised and interleaved throughout topic areas, as well as notation reading, keyboard skills and music technology. The curriculum is sequenced throughout to ensure that each year of learning builds on concepts and skills that have previously been taught and learnt; our KS3 curriculum prepares students for our KS4 curriculum, with both the GCSE and A Level qualifications following the AQA specification to ensure consistency and a smooth transition for students between the two.

If you have any queries about our Music curriculum, please contact the Director of Performing Arts & Music, Mr Miall, via

Subject overviews - Music.pdf