Key Stage 3

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum

The Music Key Stage 3 Curriculum aims to provide an outstanding, broad and engaging curriculum which, as an end point, prepares all students for GCSE learning. At the heart of the curriculum is a practical-led pedagogy with an emphasis on keywords, musical skills and interleaved threshold concepts. Key Stage 3 lessons at SWBGS aim to ensure all students, whatever their musical abilities and experience, are stretched and challenged, developing core listening, performance and composition skills.

The table below outlines the key elements of our curriculum, and how these link to the national curriculum (as found in the DfE National Curriculum Music Programmes of Study: Key Stage 3).

National Curriculum_SWBGS Curriculum Links.pdf

Singing and developing good vocal technique and rehearsal practice is key to our KS3 curriculum - here are 7D performing Oasis' Wonderwall, along with drum kit accompaniment, in their first lesson this year!

7D 2021.MP4