T1: Structures and Functions

Life Sciences

LS1. From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

4-LS1-1. Construct an argument that animals and plants have internal and external structures that support their survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.

Plants' Internal and External Structures and Functions

Internal and External Structures and Functions of Plants - T-Chart

Animals' Internal and External Structures and Functions

Internal and External Structures and Functions of Animals - T-Chart

Animal Websites:

Scholastic Lesson - Animal Adaptations  -->  Animal Adaptations

Animal Hibernation from EEK  -->  EEK

Internet Scavenger Hunt about animals  -->  Education World

Kratt's Creatures Animal Adaptations  -->  Animal Adaptations

Biomes of the World - Read about different animals in each biome  -->  Biomes

Read about different animals from each biome  -->  National Geographic

Bird Adaptations (beaks, feet)  --> Bird Adaptations

Journey North - See maps which show the path of migrating animals (hummingbirds, gray whales,

robins)  -->  Journey North