Brown Violin Info

Let's have some fun playing violin and learning fun songs! 2nd year violin students are learning new rhythms and new notes within new and fun songs. 3rd year violin students are learning to use all four strings, new positions, recognizing pitch and playing duets. Remember- practice makes progress!!!

- 2nd year Violin- Pepperoni Pizza is fun to eat and play- review the song on page 20 then eat the pizza. Practice eighth note rhythms by thinking and playing the words "Pep-pe-ro-ni Piz--za--.

Pepperoni Pizza final (

I think I can still hear you from here!

Next practice Hot Cross Buns on the same page in the same manner "H-o-t C-r-o-s-s B-u-n-s, one a penny two a penny, H-o-t c-r-o-s-s B-u-n-s.

Practice Ode To Joy- only the first 8 measures- one measure at a time. It is a standard favorite of Beethoven- p.24

3rd year- Play Lightly Row before you play the newest one.

Try playing the newest one- Irish Washer Woman- and maybe toss in a bit of an Irish accent. Tis' a lovely sound!!! This is in a new time signature play it as you would with quarter notes. Begin the line as two eighth notes. Only play the first 4 lines- one line (actually, one measure) at a time.

3rd year Violin- play both parts of Lightly Row on page 25. One at a time because you can't play them both at the same time-or maybe you can! Play the two "A" lines (the melody) and then the two "B" parts- again one line at a time. Last time I heard you all play together you sounded like rock stars! When you play the recording of part "A" you play part "B" and then switch. You'll be playing a duet by yourself- cool huh?

Lightly Row A final (

Here's Lightly Row part B-

Lightly Row B final (