
Chorus members (or should I say rock star chorus), sing to your families- they will love it!

Go to the tab that's titled "Inspiration" and sing along with "Watch As We Go Far" and "Lean on Me". They are nice ones to share with an audience. Sing Look to the Future or Ways of the Seasons. I know the Rock Medley is fun to sing.

JUST SING AND HAVE FUN!!! Don't forget the warm ups! Keep those vocal cords moving!!

Brown school chorus meets every Tuesday during their recess time in the computer lab beginning September 24th, 2019.

The fifth grade Luther school chorus will begin on Thursdays starting on January, 2020. The class begins at 7:30AM on the stage in the cafegymatorium. Students should ring the buzzer to enter the side door.

More info about chorus to follow.

All chorus students need to bring a 2 pocket-folder.

Now have fun singing like a rock star! See you then!

The chorus concert has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday May20th at 6:00PM at Case High School. More info to follow.