4th Grade, Recorder Book & Info

This is a fun one! Play "We Will Rock You" on your recorder! Keep you finger chart handy! Enjoy!!!

We Will Rock You Recorders final (online-audio-converter.com).mp3

"I still miss those recorder concerts we have in class. Don't stop playing- or you might rust."

Review Aura Lee on page 11. Blues for Fun on page 14 Is Fun! Keep your finger chart from the back of the book handy if you get stuck on a note. It's your dictionary!

Be creative and compose your own music using notes you know well-B-A-G! Open this link below and have fun composing!!! Feel free to email me with your composition ideas.

Recorder Book new 2019.pdf

Enjoy your recorder year!!!

While holding the recorder correctly is important (left hand on top, right hand on the bottom), the first step to proper practicing is to read the first note of the measure you are working on then place your fingers firmly on the correct holes and toot gently.

Continue this method for the next note and so on until the measure is complete then repeat what you just played. Go on to measure two and repeat the same process until you've completed all the measures (could be 4 measures, could be 8 measures). Don't forget to count your beats (whole note, whole rest, half note, half rest, quarter note, quarter rest) .

Don't be frustrated if you can't complete the whole song right away. It's ok if you just complete a few measures just as long as you've practiced them correctly. Practice daily for as little as 10 minutes . Rock stars need to have patience and they never give up!

Fourth grade will be learning to read music and perform it on a woodwind instrument is the main focus for fourth graders as they learn the ins and outs of playing the recorder.