A.I. in Science Education

How Will We Respond to the A.I. Revolution?

The A.I. Revolution is here. For some, it’s exciting. For others, it feels terrifying. Still others feel baffled and confused by it. Many of us feel a mix of all three emotions. But one thing is clear. It’s here and it’s not going away. Below are some resources to learn more about A.I., ChatGPT and how they can enhance your science classroom. It's up to us... Educators will shape A.I.'s impact on Education.

St. Vrain Valley Schools Empowers Educators with Exploration A.I. Program

Artificial intelligence is already reshaping how some Colorado students learn

Will A.I. one day replace Colorado teachers? Here’s what experts say.

Sal Khan, the founder and CEO of Khan Academy, thinks artificial intelligence could spark the greatest positive transformation education has ever seen.  

Check out these videos to learn more

A.I. in Education

A.I. in 5 Minutes - Get ready for the future in just 5 minutes.

Curriculum and Lesson Plans to answer the anchor question: “What is AI?” for all grade levels & class time

A.I. Can Transform the Classroom Just Like the Calculator - A.I. can better education, not threaten it, if we learn some lessons from the adoption of the calculator into the classroom

A.I. Education Project - Are your students ready for the age of artificial intelligence? A.I. literacy should be a basic component of every student’s education. Check out the topics below to learn more.

ISTE Hands-On A.I. Projects for the Classroom -  A.I. is already making its way into classrooms in the form of adaptive software, recommendation engines and digital assistants and is a critical element of any STEM curriculum. And generative technologies like ChatGPT, while causing a stir, present an opportunity to transform learning — as long as educators and learners understand how to strike the proper balance between the risks and benefits. Elementary Educator Guides - Secondary Educator Guides

A.I. Guidance for Schools Toolkit - incorporating artificial intelligence (A.I.) in primary and secondary education while understanding and mitigating the potential risks.

5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Might Transform Assessment Practices - How A.I. might change our assessment practices in the upcoming years?

6 Ways to Prepare Students for an A.I. Future - A.I. is developing rapidly. It’s poised to make significant changes to our world and the workforce. No matter what comes our way, we can still prepare students to adapt to it. Here are 6 shifts we can make in our classrooms right away.

Additonal A.I. Tools for Educators

Many of these tools have free and paid versions … but the free versions let you do a LOT.

Integrating A.I. in the Science Classroom 

Science Class Demos Using an A.I. Chatbot
In ChatGPT or your favorite A.I. Chatbot, cut and paste the following prompts to help you create science class demonstrations for your students. To get started, just replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Create a Virtual Science Tutor Using an A.I. Chatbot
In ChatGPT or your favorite A.I chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to support students in receiving adaptive tutoring and tailored feedback while learning complex science topics. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Create Unit or Learning Objectives with an A.I. Chatbot
In ChatGPT or your favorite AI Chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to create learning objectives for your units or lessons. Just replace each bracket with the information for each prompt. 

Integrating A.I. into the Science Classroom

Integrating A.I. into science education can enhance the learning experience for both teachers and students. Here are some recommendations for introducing A.I. into your science classroom.

Familiarize Students with AI Concepts:

Explore A.I. Applications in Science:

Hands-On AI Tools and Platforms:

Coding and Programming Basics:

A.I. in Data Analysis:

A.I. and Virtual Laboratories:

Collaborative A.I. Projects:

Community Building:

Stay Informed about A.I. Developments:

From Classtechtips.com 

Gemini / ChatGPT in Education

Don’t Ban ChatGPT in Schools. Teach With It - OpenAI’s new chatbot is raising fears of cheating on homework, but its potential as an educational tool outweighs its risks.

Learning or Cheating?
The lines between learning and cheating become blurred in a world increasingly intertwined with artificial intelligence (A.I.). Teacher Erik Winerö challenges the audience to reconsider the essence of learning in the age of automation. Are we merely reaching higher bars, or are we missing the true journey of learning? 

Gemini: Revolutionizing AI In Education - In a world rapidly transformed by technology, Google's latest marvel, the Gemini project, emerges as a beacon of groundbreaking innovation. Imagine an artificial intelligence so advanced, it seamlessly integrates audio, images, video, code, and text.

Gemini: Teaching With Google’s Latest A.I. - Google says Gemini, its latest AI model, can outperform the most advanced version of ChatGPT. Here’s what that means for educators.

30+ Ways To Use Gemini in Science - Gemini gives you direct access to Google AI, offering help with writing, planning, learning, and more. It offers many features that teachers will find helpful as they look for ways to be more efficient with their time and more engaging in their classroom.

ChatGPT in Education - Overview of ChatGPT and it's use in Education. College of Education University of Massachusetts Amherst

Teaching with ChatGPT - A guide for teachers using ChatGPT in their classroom—including suggested prompts, an explanation of how ChatGPT works and its limitations, the efficacy of A.I. detectors, and bias.

How to use ChatGPT as a learning tool - Rather than weaken student effort, artificial intelligence can help prepare students for the real world by encouraging critical thinking—with a few caveats. Here’s advice from psychology instructors about how to use ChatGPT and other A.I. technology wisely

A.I. Prompts for Science Teachers

Science Class Demos Using ChatGPT
In ChatGPT cut and paste the following prompts to help you create science class demonstrations for your students. To get started, just replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Create a Virtual Science Tutor Using ChatGPT
In ChatGPT cut and paste the following prompt to support students in receiving adaptive tutoring and tailored feedback while learning complex science topics. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Create Unit or Learning Objectives using ChatGPT
In ChatGPT cut and paste the following prompt to create learning objectives for your units or lessons. Just replace each bracket with the information for each prompt. 


From Classtechtips.com September 21, 2023

Have you used chatbots in your science classroom? Generative artificial intelligence (AI) can help support your instructional planning this school year. You can use chatbots like ChatGPT, Bard, or Claude to gather ideas for activities, assessments, and more. 

Hands-On Activities

Technology Integration

Curriculum and Theme Integration

Discussion and Reflection

Vocabulary and Content Understanding

Using These Prompts for Science Teachers

These ChatGPT prompts for science teachers can help you save time this school year. They’re flexible, can be tweaked for different ages and topics, and might just be the spark you need to energize your science lessons. These prompts are perfect for generating ideas you can further customize to make learning science exciting and relatable for your students. 

Guide to Writing Better A.I. Prompts

5 new strategies to get powerful results with your prompts:

1. Write clear instructions:

2. Provide reference text:

3. Split complex tasks into simpler subtasks:

4. Give ChatGPT some time to think:

5. Test changes systematically: