Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Mystery Science Units: Animal Adventures / Plant Adventures

ReadyGen / Literacy Connections

Unit 1 Snowshoe Hare’s Winter Home The House on Maple Street  Friend Around the World (2-LS4-1: Habitats and Biodiversity)

Unit 2 I Wanna Iguana (2-LS4-1: Habitats and Biodiversity)

Unit 3 City Green Sleuth: “Gregor Mendel” (2-LS4-1: Habitats and Biodiversity)

Unit 4 Seek the Sun Unit 5 John Chapman: Planter and Pioneer Johnny Appleseed Planting a Tree Sleuth: “From Seed to Flower to Fruit” (2-LS2-2: Seed Dispersal and Pollination)

Unit 6 68 Ways to Save the Planet Before Bedtime On Meadowview Street (2-LS2-1: Environmental Plant Needs)

Mystery Science 2nd Grade Student Notebook

Nonfiction Science Literacy Resources

Graphic Organizers / Thinking Maps

Multilingual Learner Language Expectations

Clarification & Boundary Statements

Clarification Statement: none

Boundary Statement: Assessment is limited to testing one variable at a time.

Clarification & Boundary Statements

Clarification Statement: none

Boundary Statement: none

Clarification & Boundary Statements

Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on the diversity of living things in each of a variety of different habitats.

Boundary Statement: Assessment does not include specific animal and plant names in specific habitats.

Mystery Science Units

2nd Grade Phenomenon Storylines   

What is an Anchoring Phenomenon?

Mystery Science 2nd Grade Student Notebook

Animal Adventures - In this unit, students begin to develop an understanding of the world's animal biodiversity. They explore animal classification and the traits that define each group. Students then turn their focus to habitats and how the surrounding environment affects what organisms live in a particular environment.

Plant Adventures - In this unit, students continue to explore the needs of plants through hands-on investigations. They explore why and how plants disperse their seeds, what those seeds need in order to grow, and what the adult plants need in order to survive and thrive.

Anchor Phenomenon

Animal Adventures Anchor

The anchor phenomenon for this unit is a cave north of San Antonio, Texas, that has an unusually large amount of animal poo covering the cave floor. Throughout the unit, students gather details about the mysterious type of animal that lives there.

Animal Adventures - Mystery Science Lesson / Connections to Anchor Phenomenon

Plant Adventures Anchor

The anchor phenomenon for this unit is an amazing burst of life in a place called Death Valley. How can huge fields of flowers suddenly grow in one of the hottest, driest places on Earth?

Plant Adventures  - Mystery Science Lesson / Connections to Anchor Phenomenon

Using ChatGPT to find local Colorado Phenomena

Use the following prompt, adjust accordingly. "I am an elementary school science teacher looking for a local Colorado phenomena to address NGSS standard (enter standard you are looking for... example 1-ESS1-2)"

CDE: Grade Level Expectations

Prepared Graduates:

Grade Level Expectation:

1. Plants depend on water and light to grow and on animals for pollination or to move their seeds around. 

2. A range of different organisms lives in different places.

Hands On, Minds On Connections

The Importance of creating Active Learners

The Science Wonder of the Day

Mystery Packs:

You should have received your Mystery Pack at the start of the school year. This includes all you should need to pair your science instruction with your literacy resources. If you have not received your Mystery Pack or need additional supplies please contact contact Michael O'Toole at 

Additional Hands on Options: Science to Go

Plants & Animals - Enhancement Kit for 2nd Grade Mystery Science Plant and Animal Adventures Units.  This kit provides experiences that heighten young students' awareness of the different ways that plants and animals meet their needs. Students care for plants to learn what they need to grow and develop. They observe the structures of plants and discover ways to propagate new plants (from seeds, bulbs, roots, and stem cuttings). They observe and describe changes that occur as plants grow, and organize their observations on a calendar and in a notebook. 

Colorado Wildlife Kits

Raptors - Feet, wings, skulls and tails of raptors are provided for this unit. Kit includes publications and Project Wild activities.

Animal Signs - Realia shows students how to recognize the animals that have been in the area through tracks, scat and other signs. Kit includes publications and Project Wild activities.

Herptiles - turtle shells and skull, publications, and Project Wild activities complete this kit on herptiles.

Mammal Hides - The hides of 17 mammals and the antlers and horns of 5 mammals provide students the opportunity to learn about mammals. Publications and Project Wild activities complete the kit.

Mammal Skulls - Skulls of twelve mammals are the centerpiece of this kit which also includes publications and Project Wild activities. This kit contains 2 parts.

Birds / Waterfowl - Duck and grouse wings and feathers, publications, and Project Wild activities create this kit on wetlands and migration.

Aging Deer & Elk - Real teeth and jaws show the growth and development of the mule deer and elk. This kit includes realia, selected publications and Project Wild activities.

Nearpod Lessons / Activities / Videos

Environmental Education Connections

STEM Connections

Teacher Notes / Assessments / Career Connections

Using A.I. to find local Colorado Phenomena

Use the following prompt, adjust accordingly. "I am an elementary school science teacher looking for a local Colorado phenomena to address NGSS standard (enter standard you are looking for... example 1-ESS1-2)"

Science Database

Offers elementary students a safe place to find answers to their questions, practice research skills, and explore a broad range of subjects like animals, science and more, all in one place. Gale in Context: Elementary

3 Dimensional Science Assessments

This spreadsheet is a collection of existing assessments from across the country designed to support implementation of NGSS and similar state standards. The openly available tasks represent a wide range of task types and purposes. Some of these assessments are similar to what your students will experience on their 5th grade CMAS Exam. It is a good idea to introduce these types of assessments to students at all grade levels to better prepare them for success demonstrating their science knowledge.  Combined 3D Task Inventory

Career Connections

Connecting what students are learning to careers not only deepens their engagement in school but also helps them make more informed choices about their future. Browse the following related career profiles to discover what scientists really do on the job and what it takes to prepare for these careers. For additional profiles visit your Year at a Glance Page.  Gale in Context: Scientist and Inventor Biographies

Thinking Map Connections

To help students Think Like a Scientists, they need to know how to question and gather evidence in order to refine and revise what they know and understand. The information below provides suggestions for connecting Thinking Maps to our science concepts. The thinking maps listed are general connections and should not be seen as the only maps that could be used. To better understand how to use Thinking Maps in Science, reference pages 188 to 196 in your Thinking Maps Teacher Guide. Each Thinking Map listed below includes the page number where it can be found in your Thinking Maps Teacher Guide


Critical Questions: Is there a pattern? What caused the pattern? What predictions can I make? How does this pattern compare to others?

Possible Thinking Maps:

Flow or Bridge Maps for analyzing patterns (Page 54)

Tree Map for classifying (Page 42)

Bridge Map for relationships (Page 66)

Multi-flow Map for causes of patterns and making predictions (Page 60)

Double Bubble Map for comparing / contrasting patterns (Page 36)

Cause and Effect

Critical Questions: What evidence is there for this cause and effect relationship? What are other possible causes? How is this relationship similar to others? How does changing one event affect the results?

Possible Thinking Maps:

Multi-flow Map for cause and effect (Page 60)

Partial Multi-flow Map (Page 60)

Circle Map for Brainstorming (Page 24)

Double Bubble Map for cause and effect (Page 36)

Structure and Function

Critical Questions: How does the function depend on the structure? Are there other structures that serve the same function? 

Possible Thinking Maps:

Brace Map to analyze structure (Page 48)

Partial Multi-Flow Map to explain how the structure causes the function (Page 60)

Double Bubble Map for different structures (Page 36)