Elementary Science
Science in St Vrain
In St. Vrain we believe to create future scientist, we must engage students in hands on science and emphasize the idea of figuring out, not just learning about. We must also create critical thinkers and light the spark and sense of wonder for science learning in our students.
Three-dimensional Science Instruction lays the foundation for students to work and think like scientists and engineers. In elementary grades, students will explore disciplinary core ideas in physical, life, and Earth and space sciences via phenomena in the world around them. Students will develop and ask testable questions, collect, and analyze different types of evidence, and write and communicate their understanding. Mastery of these standards will result in young learners who have a deep understanding of how scientific knowledge can provide solutions to practical problems we see in our world. Make the Shift to 3D Instruction
Science in St. Vrain
Science in St. Vrain is vertically aligned K-12 balancing hands on experiences with the use of technology. In our elementary schools students are introduced to science through hands on learning. Our secondary science instruction is spiraled in Middle School with students being introduced to Earth, life and physical science concepts in each grade level and we follow the recommended pathway of Biology - Chemistry - Physics when possible in High School.
The K-12 Unit Plans were created by teachers for teachers. Each Unit Plan takes our adopted instructional resources and align its scope and sequence with the 2020 Colorado Academic Standards and Three-Dimensional Science Instruction.
District Technology Services
STEM in St Vrain
Additional Learning Resources
Teaching About Climate
Equity in Science Education
Instructional Materials - Guides & Resources
Mystery Packs - Hands on Science
Starting in August of 2023 we will be retiring our K-5 FOSS Science Kits. All teachers will be supplied with Mystery Packs from Mystery Science in early August. These new hands on materials will allow you to integrate science instruction at your convenience and hopefully enhance your ReadyGen literacy materials. The Mystery Packs will be refurbished each August. If you need additional materials or have not received your Mystery Packs, please contact Michael O'Toole at otoole_michael@svvsd.org
St Vrain Science Resources
Nearpod Science Presentations
Explain Everything Science Whiteboard
Assessment / CMAS Info & Resources
CMAS Info & Resources
3D Assessment Examples & Task
Stanford 3D Short Performance Assessments (Check Teacher Notes for Task aligned to specific units)
Connecting Thinking Maps to Science Instruction
To help students Think Like a Scientists, they need to know how to question and gather evidence in order to refine and revise what they know and understand. The information below provides suggestions for connecting Thinking Maps to our science concepts. The thinking maps listed are general connections and should not be seen as the only maps that could be used. To better understand how to use Thinking Maps in Science, reference pages 188 to 196 in your Thinking Maps Teacher Guide. Each Thinking Map listed below includes the page number where it can be found in your Thinking Maps Teacher Guide
Graphic Organizers (Science Practices & Cross Cutting Concepts)
Critical Questions: Is there a pattern? What caused the pattern? What predictions can I make? How does this pattern compare to others?
Possible Thinking Maps:
Flow or Bridge Maps for analyzing patterns (Page 54)
Tree Map for classifying (Page 42)
Bridge Map for relationships (Page 66)
Multi-flow Map for causes of patterns and making predictions (Page 60)
Double Bubble Map for comparing / contrasting patterns (Page 36)
Cause and Effect
Critical Questions: What evidence is there for this cause and effect relationship? What are other possible causes? How is this relationship similar to others? How does changing one event affect the results?
Possible Thinking Maps:
Multi-flow Map for cause and effect (Page 60)
Partial Multi-flow Map (Page 60)
Circle Map for Brainstorming (Page 24)
Double Bubble Map for cause and effect (Page 36)
Scale, Proportion, Quantity
Critical Questions: How does this system look at a smaller or larger scale? What is new and what is the same? What is new and what is the same? How does this scale relate to you? What happens if we change the quantity involved?
Possible Thinking Maps:
Multi-flow Map for cause and effect (Page 60)
Tree Map for details at different measures (Page 42)
Double-Bubble Map (Page 36)
Brace Map for analyzing parts at different scales or proportions (Page 48)
Bridge Map for relationships (Page 66)
Systems and System Models
Critical Questions: What parts and sub-systems make up this system? What interactions and processes involve this system? How is this system alike or different from others? What are the effects of modifying one part of the system?
Possible Thinking Maps:
Brace Map for taking systems apart (Page 48)
Flow Map for organization of the system (Page 54)
Double-Bubble Map to systems (Page 36)
Multi-flow Map to analyze impact of modifying systems (Page 60)
Energy and Matter
Critical Questions: How are energy and matter related in this system? Where does the energy for this system come from? Go?
Possible Thinking Maps:
Flow Map for tracking energy (Page 54)
Partial Multi-Flow Map for effects of changes (Page 60)
Bridge Map for relating energy and matter (Page 66)
Partial Multi-flow for causes of energy (Page 60)
Structure and Function
Critical Questions: How does the function depend on the structure? Are there other structures that serve the same function?
Possible Thinking Maps:
Brace Map to analyze structure (Page 48)
Partial Multi-Flow Map to explain how the structure causes the function (Page 60)
Double Bubble Map for different structures (Page 36)
Stability and Change
Critical Questions: What causes change in this system? Stability? Is the stability static or dynamic? What are possible catalysts for changing the stability?
Possible Thinking Maps:
Partial Multi-Flow Map for change (Page 60)
Circle Maps for defining dynamic and static stability (Page 24)
Flow map for evolution of a system (Page 54)
Double Bubble to dynamic and static stability (Page 36)
Science Discourse / Leveled Language Frames
Promoting Student Discourse in Science
The new 2020 Colorado Science Standards call for shifts in instructional practices. One that you will notice is the idea of “less sage on the stage and more guide on the side.” While such a metaphor can be applied to a variety of science classroom settings, one that first comes to mind is the role of students and educators in scientific discourse. Below are a collection of professional growth resources that explore this instructional strategy in depth.
Overview - What is Student Discourse?
Talk Science Primer - What is Academically Productive Talk?
Self Evaluation: Levels of Classroom Discourse use this rubric to complete a self evaluation and identify goals answering the questions below.
Self-evaluate your teaching in general and circle on the rubric.
Identify an area of success to celebrate. What makes it successful? What should I keep doing?
Identify an area that you would like to improve. If our goal is to be around level 3, what can I do to move towards level 3?
How Can I Get My Students to Learn Science by Productively Talking with Each Other? Through the lens of equity in the classroom, review the following reflection questions.
What do you think productive classroom talk looks like? What is your role in supporting that talk at different phases of student investigations?
What explicit and implicit social norms are at play in your classroom, and how can you effectively shift these to support productive talk?
What cultural styles of talk and sensemaking are present in your community of students that you should make room for in science learning conversations
St Vrain Leveled Language Frames
A collection of K-12 language frames to support student work around the following: argue/defend, citing evidence, character descriptions, compare and contrast, cause and effect, design thinking, elaborating, explaining the thinking process, inferencing, inquiry based questions, main ideas, problem solving, reflecting, sequencing, supporting opinions, stating reasons and summarization.
Inquiry-based science and english language development - From the Institute for Inquiry. Great information that dives deep into science talk, science writing and includes a classroom video library of best practices. (Talking in Collaborative Groups, Clarifying Expectations, Focusing on Goals, Shifting between languages, Challenging Student Thinking and Scaffolding writing task)
Additional Resources
Teaching Video: Scaffolds to Make Student Ideas Public
Teaching Video: Using Back Pocket Questions
One District’s Path to Improving Student Discourse - NSTA case study.
Collaborative thinking Blog - science discourse Great links, videos and resources about student discourse in the sciences, including student examples