Matter: Structure and Properties

Mystery Science Unit: Chemical Magic

Clarification & Boundary Statements

Clarification Statement: Examples of evidence could include adding air to expand a basketball, compressing air in a syringe, dissolving sugar in water, and evaporating salt water.

Boundary Statement: Assessment does not include the atomic-scale mechanism of evaporation and condensation or defining the unseen particles.

Clarification & Boundary Statements

Clarification Statement: Examples of reactions or changes could include phase changes, dissolving, and mixing that form new substances.

Boundary Statement: Assessment does not include distinguishing mass and weight.

Clarification & Boundary Statements

Clarification Statement: Examples of materials to be identified could include baking soda and other powders, metals, minerals, and liquids. Examples of properties could include color, hardness, reflectivity, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, response to magnetic forces, and solubility; density is not intended as an identifiable property.

Boundary Statement: Assessment does not include density or distinguishing mass and weight.

Clarification & Boundary Statements

Clarification Statement: none

Boundary Statement: none

Mystery Science Units

5th Grade Phenomenon Storylines 

What is an Anchoring Phenomenon?

Mystery Science 5th Grade Student Notebook

Chemical Magic - In this unit, students investigate the properties of matter by dissolving everyday chemicals to make solutions and by exploring simple yet surprising chemical reactions. Through these investigations, students begin to build conceptual models for the particulate nature of matter.

Anchor Phenomenon

DRIVING QUESTION: Why are the gargoyles changing over time? 


Students generate observations and questions about why the stone gargoyles seem to disappear over time. They will create an initial argument to explain what is happening and write an argument supporting the alchemist's claim about why the gargoyles change over time that they most agree with. Students will gather evidence after each Mystery to help them revise their argument at the end of the unit. It is important to encourage students to recognize that even if they don't know the perfect answer yet, they are going to learn a lot throughout the unit and have an opportunity to change or add to their first argument. 

Mystery Science Lesson / Connections to Anchor Phenomenon 

Performance Task: Particle Model & Argumentation - What happened to the stone gargoyles over time?

Using ChatGPT to find local Colorado Phenomena

Use the following prompt, adjust accordingly. "I am an elementary school science teacher looking for a local Colorado phenomena to address NGSS standard (enter standard you are looking for... example 1-ESS1-2)"

CDE: Grade Level Expectations

Prepared Graduates:

Students can use the full range of science and engineering practices to make sense of natural phenomena and solve problems that require understanding how waves are used to transfer energy and information.

Grade Level Expectation:

Hands On, Minds On Connections

The Importance of creating Active Learners

The Science Wonder of the Day

Mystery Packs:

You should have received your Mystery Pack at the start of the school year. This includes all you should need to pair your science instruction with your literacy resources. If you have not received your Mystery Pack or need additional supplies please contact contact Michael O'Toole at 

Additional Hands on Options: Science to Go

Mixtures & Solutions - Enhancement Kit for 5th Grade Mystery Science Chemical Magic Unit. This module has four investigations that introduce students to these fundamental ideas in chemistry. Chemistry is the study of the structure of matter and the changes or transformations that take place in it. Learning about the makeup of substances gives us knowledge about how things go together and how they can be taken apart.  


Nearpod Lessons / Activities / Videos

STEM Connections

Teacher Notes / Assessments / Career Connections

Using A.I. to find local Colorado Phenomena

Use the following prompt, adjust accordingly. "I am an elementary school science teacher looking for a local Colorado phenomena to address NGSS standard (enter standard you are looking for... example 1-ESS1-2)"

Science Database

Offers elementary students a safe place to find answers to their questions, practice research skills, and explore a broad range of subjects like animals, science and more, all in one place. Gale in Context: Elementary

3 Dimensional Science Assessments

This spreadsheet is a collection of existing assessments from across the country designed to support implementation of NGSS and similar state standards. The openly available tasks represent a wide range of task types and purposes. Some of these assessments are similar to what your students will experience on their 5th grade CMAS Exam. It is a good idea to introduce these types of assessments to students at all grade levels to better prepare them for success demonstrating their science knowledge.  Combined 3D Task Inventory

Career Connections

Connecting what students are learning to careers not only deepens their engagement in school but also helps them make more informed choices about their future. Browse the following related career profiles to discover what scientists really do on the job and what it takes to prepare for these careers. For additional profiles visit your Year at a Glance Page.  Gale in Context: Scientist and Inventor Biographies

Thinking Map Connections

To help students Think Like a Scientists, they need to know how to question and gather evidence in order to refine and revise what they know and understand. The information below provides suggestions for connecting Thinking Maps to our science concepts. The thinking maps listed are general connections and should not be seen as the only maps that could be used. To better understand how to use Thinking Maps in Science, reference pages 188 to 196 in your Thinking Maps Teacher Guide. Each Thinking Map listed below includes the page number where it can be found in your Thinking Maps Teacher Guide

Cause and Effect

Critical Questions: What evidence is there for this cause and effect relationship? What are other possible causes? How is this relationship similar to others? How does changing one event affect the results?

Possible Thinking Maps:

Multi-flow Map for cause and effect (Page 60)

Partial Multi-flow Map (Page 60)

Circle Map for Brainstorming (Page 24)

Double Bubble Map for cause and effect (Page 36)

Scale, Proportion, Quantity

Critical Questions: How does this system look at a smaller or larger scale? What is new and what is the same? What is new and what is the same? How does this scale relate to you? What happens if we change the quantity involved?

Possible Thinking Maps:

Multi-flow Map for cause and effect (Page 60)

Tree Map for details at different measures (Page 42)

Double-Bubble Map (Page 36)

Brace Map for analyzing parts at different scales or proportions (Page 48)

Bridge Map for relationships (Page 66)