Our Way


The Sunnyhills Curriculum Framework/Learning Portal is intended as a guide for teachers and leaders of Sunnyhills School for the implementation of the New Zealand Curriculum in a relevant context, whilst attaining the school vision of "Learning for Life". It is an important school procedural document/Site that helps to shape and guide the direction of teaching and learning at Sunnyhills School.

It is based on the New Zealand Curriculum, but is designed with the unique needs of our school community in mind. The contents of this framework will be shaped and adapted by:

    • Teacher practice
    • Learner experience
    • Consultation with the stakeholders
    • Research

Sunnyhills School is a community of learners. Our programmes of learning combine the best of 'old and new'; all staff work to see the 'whole child' develop to the best of his or her potential. High expectations are held for both learning and behaviour and celebrations of success and individual excellence occur regularly and in a variety of ways. Forming and maintaining a strong relationship between home and school has been an ongoing priority and is seen as crucial in ensuring students achieve to the best of their ability.

This school is committed to delivering on its core business of 'teaching and learning'. It is a place that is committed to building the necessary knowledge and competencies for students to thrive and succeed in learning and life.

We have a supportive and active community who fully involve themselves in school life. The staff are open, fun and willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that each learner is stretched and experiences fulfilment in learning.


At Sunnyhills School our specific and unique curriculum framework has been developed after consultation - students, whanau, staff and Board of Trustees. This is a shared document, developed using collaborative and consultative strategies to ensure students experience future focused and bi-cultural learning experiences that are authentic and relevant to the world in which they live and of which they are stewards.

This learning portal illustrates our Vision, Values, Learning Powers (competencies), Behaviour Guidelines, Inquiry/Concept, Assessment, and is aligned to the National Curriculum.

This 'Curriculum Framework' articulates how we aim to incorporate our Learning Powers which are underpinned by a growth mindset and student agency. We set out how the Essential Learning areas and their relevant achievement objectives are related back to the curriculum concepts we explore in 'Inquiry learning'.

We believe our approach to learning and teaching will fulfil our vision to provide an education where students are encouraged to be confident, connected, actively involved, life long learners and contributors to Aotearoa, New Zealand.