reports & Spotlight

Learning Summary

Twice a year, parents and caregivers will be able to access a 'Learning Summary' via the parent portal. Both the 'Mid Year Learning Summary' and the 'End of Year Learning Summary' show student achievement against the New Zealand Curriculum. The learning summaries are a developing model that include achievement and progress in Reading, Writing and Mathematics, supported with information on their latest achieved learning intentions. They also make reference to our Language of Learning and have the capacity to include student goal setting, along with an effort rating in each area.

From 2019, the school uses the eTAP programme Spotlight as an online, whole school, student focused, planning*, assessment and reporting management system.

The aim of Spotlight is to:

  • connect teachers, students, parents through one learning management system

  • allow for real time, online tracking of learning and reporting

  • create a learning pathway for students/teachers to manage

  • plan using set learning progressions and learning powers (key competencies)

Teachers will use Spotlight to: (through the Learning Hub)

  • Plan their learning programme* (this will come in time as we establish our practice)

  • Set specific learning intentions

  • Assign groups and workshops

  • Upload learning experiences

  • collect student evidence

  • provide feedback and feedforward comment

  • Inform parents and whānau

Students will use Spotlight to: (through the Student Portal) *note as we develop our roll out plan

  • Manage their own learning

  • Understand and know what they need to learn

  • Set learning goals

  • Sign into relevant and appropriate learning workshops (when staff are ready to use this as a planning tool)

  • develop their student agency

  • upload evidence of their learning

  • reflect on their learning

  • share their learning with parents and whānau

Parents and whānau will use Spotlight to: (through the Parent Portal) *in late 2019 when we turn on this feature

  • Stay connected to their child's learning

  • know and understand what their child is learning

  • access their child's daily and weekly learning

  • access their child's learning summary in Terms 2 and 4

  • See the evidence of their child's learning experiences