Diane Bradshaw

I discovered the challenges and delights of Scottish Country Dancing in 2000, first with the Upper Hutt Club and then with the Lower Hutt Club too. I found dancing a great way to forget any pressures from the working day. There was no way I could think about the day and also concentrate on what I was doing and where I was going in the dance.

I completed my Teachers Certificate at the 2010/11 Summer School in Dunedin. Whilst training, I taught the Lower Hutt Juniors Class and continued for 8 years. In that time, I had the pleasure of seeing one of my young juniors progress through all the JAM medals and successfully achieve her Gold Bar. 

Since qualifying, I have taught our club’s 10-week Beginners Course, club nights, Region Classes, Day Schools, JAM Camp, Weekend Schools, and Summer School. I enjoy teaching and hope to pass on my enjoyment and enthusiasm for dancing to those I teach. 

I also enjoy attending classes, Annual dances and dancing in demonstrations; the Manawatu Tattoo audience in 2024 was nearly 1200 people (the biggest audience for which I’ve ever danced). Any health benefits are just a bonus, I dance because I love it.

I have been Club President of the Upper Hutt Club, then later the Lower Hutt Club, Medal Test Organiser on the JAM Committee, and Youth Co-ordinator on the Branch Committee. 

As well as dancing, I enjoy spending time with family, cycling, gardening, reading and getting to explore more of New Zealand.