SUITO Academic Fair

-2021 Archive-


大阪府立水都国際中学校・高等学校ではさまざまな探究的な学びが同時進行で進んでいます。ACADEMIC FAIRはそれらの学びの成果を発表し、学校においてどのような学びが生まれているかを確かめ合い、高め合い、そして外部の人にも知ってもらうために開催されるものです。

At Osaka Prefectural Suito Kokusai Junior and Senior High School, a variety of exploratory studies are going on at the same time. The Academic Fair is held to present the results of these studies, to confirm and enhance what kind of learning is taking place at the school, and to let the outside world know about it.

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Suito Action Project for SDGs(SA)はSDGsへの貢献を目指し、生徒それぞれの興味関心によって集まった中学1年~高校2年生の混成チームが、様々なアクションプロジェクトを行っています。それぞれのチームは1年間を通しプロジェクトを実施し、課題を発見し、活動成果の確認までを経験します。

The Suito Action Project for SDGs (SA) aims to contribute to the SDGs through a variety of action projects conducted by mixed teams of students from the first year of junior high school to the second year of senior high school, who have come together based on their individual interests. Each team spends a year implementing the project, from discovering issues to checking their action results. 

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The International Baccalaureate is a comprehensive educational program developed to grant the International Baccalaureate Certificate, which aims to develop young people who learn through understanding and respect for diverse cultures. As an accredited IB Diploma Program (IBDP) school, we offer the DP program to second and third year high school students.

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中学1年〜3年生を対象に個人探究活動である「ST-スキナコト ヲ トコトン」。4月から11月までの8ヶ月間でテーマ設定から成果発表までを一連の流れとして設定し、成果発表会プレゼン大会を11月に開催しています。アカデミックフェアでは11月に学内で発表した10人によるプレゼンテーションを公開するとともに、ポスター代表生徒の作品の展示を行います。

ST is an individual inquiry activity for 1st to 3rd graders of junior high school. A series of activities from setting the theme to presenting the results are set up over an eight-month period from April to November. In the eight-month period from April to November, a series of activities from setting the theme to presenting the results are set up, and a presentation contest for the results is held in November. At the Academic Fair, the presentations by the 10 students who presented on campus in November will be open to the public, and the works of the representative poster students will be displayed.

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「つくる」ことを通し学びを深める「Creative Learning」の時間を中学校の総合的な学習の時間を使い実施しています。4月からスタートしたアート思考、デザイン思考、デバック思考の考え方を用い、調査、構想、制作、言語化、展示の学び方を体験し、自らに深く潜る問題発見と世界を汲み取る課題解決の力を育む取り組みです。

The "Creative Learning" program, which is designed to deepen students' learning through "creation", is being implemented during the middle school's integrated learning period. This is an initiative to nurture the ability to discover problems that lie deep within oneself and to solve problems by understanding the world.