Creative Learning


「つくる」ことを通し学びを深める「Creative Learning」の時間を中学校の総合的な学習の時間を使い実施しています。4月からスタートしたアート思考、デザイン思考、デバック思考の考え方を用い、調査、構想、制作、言語化、展示の学び方を体験し、自らに深く潜る問題発見と世界を汲み取る課題解決の力を育む取り組みです。

The "Creative Learning" program, which is designed to deepen students' learning through "creation", is being implemented during the middle school's integrated learning period. This is an initiative to nurture the ability to discover problems that lie deep within oneself and to solve problems by understanding the world.


10×10 Watashi: An Exploration of Color and Expression


We are surrounded by many different colors. What are the colors that we find beautiful? In search of the colors and expressions that our own hearts respond to, which cannot be contained in a single type of paint, we dive into our own selves and encounter the values of others in an effort to find the self that we are not aware of.

「1 minutes projection mapping」

「プログラミングの基礎をかじった程度の中高生がオンライン期間に一度も対面で会わずプロジェクションマッピンを作り上げたら面白い」から参加を決めた1 minutes projection mappingの取り組み。何度もオンラインミーティングを重ね、Googleチャットですり合わせを行い完成させたまさに22日間の希望の物語です。

I decided to participate in the 1 minute projection mapping project because I thought it would be interesting if junior and senior high school students with only a basic programming background could create a projection map without ever meeting face-to-face during the online period. This is a story of hope that took 22 days to complete, with many online meetings and Google chats.


Paper and Ink - "Making" and "Using" (Summer Course)


Exploration of "Form": Through dialogue with materials


Even the choice of a piece of irregularly cut hard styrofoam shows one's "likes". The purpose of this project is to reveal such "vaguely good" ideas, to provide an opportunity to notice new accidents, and to experience the "attachment" that can be found through repeated dialogue with the material and refinement of the details.


Introduction to Generative Art

プログラミングで表現ができる!この響きに誘われて取り組みをはじめたジェネラティブアート。コードを学ぶというよりも作品を「いじる」ことを繰り返し表現を模索していきました。そこには表現だけではなく論理性やバグを発見し修正を重ねる粘り強さを獲得する様々な学びがありました。Programming allows expression! The sound of this invitation led us to begin working on generative art. Rather than learning to code, I repeatedly "tweaked" my work to find expression. There, I learned not only expression, but also logic and the tenacity to find and fix bugs.

easel award で生徒作品が受賞

Student's work won an award at the easel award.

最優秀賞:カラフル(中1年 作品)

Grand Prize: Colorful

優秀賞:道頓堀作成計画(中2 作品)

Excellence Award: Dotonbori Creation Plan

審査員特別賞:Rainbow×Illusion(中3 作品)

Jury's Special Award: Rainbow x Illusion

easel賞:調和と改革(中1 作品)

easel prize: harmony and reform


Grand Prize: Colorful

優秀賞:道頓堀作成計画(中2 作品

Excellence Award: Dotonbori Creation Plan

審査員特別賞:Rainbow×Illusion(中3 作品)

Jury's Special Award: Rainbow x Illusion

easel賞:調和と改革(中1 作品

easel prize: harmony and reform

まだ見えない未来のデザイン-Well-being personal learning base-

Designing for a Future Not Yet Seen - Well-being personal learning base


The creation of an individualized and optimal online learning space that is visible only to students who have lived a life of various loads at home when online classes suddenly began. The students learned how to generate ideas, how to share ideas through idea sketching, and experienced creating things as a group while feeling the difficulty of giving shape to their ideas.


Interactive appreciation that questions "seeing".



An initiative to reconfirm the act of "seeing. Using the VTS (interactive viewing) method, blind talk, reading abstract paintings, reading manga, and reading old maps were viewed in order to realize how uncertain and personal the act of "seeing" that we usually take for granted can be.


Kotoba Exhibition - Images in Words


Exhibit Kotoba. This initiative aims to express the richness of the Japanese language through the exhibition of words. The goal was to cut out the onomatopoeia using a laser cutting machine, and then to reach the point where it could be exhibited after careful consideration of how to arrange it, what method of presentation to use, and how to apply color to it.


Naoshima Pumpkin PJ - If you can't go, why don't you just make one?


The project began with the idea of a third-year junior high school student whose school trip to Naoshima was cancelled. Inspired by the works of Yayoi Kusama, Suito students will create their own works from scratch. The project is nearing completion.

岡山県直島に展示されていた草間彌生さんの作品/Yayoi Kusama's work on display at Naoshima, Okayama Prefecture.
