Student Ag Projects (SAE's)

Students enrolled in an agriculture class must have a Supervised Agricultural Experience. Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) is a student-led, instructor supervised, work-based learning experience that results in measurable outcomes within a predefined, agreed-upon set of Agricultural, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Technical Standards and Career Ready Practices aligned to a career plan of study. The students are to keep accurate records on their SAE’s through the online Agriculture Experience Tracker (AET). Projects range from plant care and/or production, landscape maintenance, livestock husbandry, metal fabrication, agriculture promotion, and much more. This project is worth 10% of a student's grade.

2021 Foothill Ag SAE's

20,905 Student Hours

$212,823 Economic Impact

Placement (Paid or Unpaid)

Students working ag based jobs, paid or unpaid, to gain experience. Examples: Wooten's Queens & Bees, Anselmo Vineyards, Palo Cedro Feed, etc.


Students start a business or assume financial risk, in order to make a profit offering a service or making sales. Examples: Livestock Fair Projects, Selling Chicken Eggs, Plant Sales

Agriscience Research

Students conduct a "science fair" style project on an agriculture, food processing, or natural resources topic.

Outstanding SAE Projects

Students who have exceptional SAE's can lead to awards through the application of Proficiency's. Students can compete against other students with similar projects across the chapter, region, state and nation. Outstanding projects have the ability to earn scholarships at the higher level competitions.

Left: Garrett Cook- Viticulture Proficiency California State Winner, National Silver Medal (2019)

Right: Bailey Alexander- Specialty Animal Proficiency California State Winner, National Bronze Medal (2019)