Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it required to raise a livestock animal/take an animal to fair to be in an Ag Class?

A: NO- absolutely not! Out of the 350 students enrolled in FHS Agriculture, only about 50 students are on the Livestock Show Team that take animals to the Shasta District Fair with Foothill FFA. Being in an FHS Ag Class opens this opportunity for students, but it is NOT a requirement of the class.

Q: I really want to participate in FFA (attend FFA activities, contests, take an animal to fair, etc.) but I'm not enrolled in an FHS Ag Class. Can I just sign up for FFA at Club Rush?

A: Unfortunately, no. If a student wants to be able to participate in FFA activities of any kind, they must be a student in an FHS Ag Class.

Q: I am not able to attend any FFA activities at night, as I don't have a ride to school besides the school bus. What can I do?

A: The FFA Officers plan some FFA events during lunchtime so that all students have equal opportunities to earn full FFA Credit! There will be a wide array of offerings of FFA events each semester- both on/off-campus & during/after school!

Q: I didn't take Ag Earth Science, can I still take Ag-Bio? // I didn't take Ag Earth/Ag-Bio can I still take Viticulture or Animal Science?

A: We HIGHLY encourage students that if they think they might want to take Animal Science or Viticulture to enroll in the first two years of Ag Science classes. Students who take these first two classes will be better prepared to take an upper-division Ag Class. If you do, you will also be a CTE Pathway Completer!

Q: Can I take Ag Mech 2,3,4 if I have not taken the class before it?

A: No- each class builds on skills that are necessary for the proceeding level. They must take the prerequisite class, and pass in order to be considered for the next level.

Q: I want to get into a four-year university right after high school. Can I take Ag for four years and still do that?

A: YES! We have students who complete four years of FHS Agriculture and go to both four-year universities and community colleges after high school! Many students who dedicate their time to Foothill FFA during high school have a large number of scholarship opportunities opened to them just by being involved!

Q: I don't have access to any farm/ranch, and am too young to get a job? How am I still able to do an SAE?

A: SAEs are opportunities for students to get hands-on experience outside the classroom, to prepare and expose them to careers or build the skills they need to know what they want to do when they leave high school. It can be as small as doing a job shadowing, or as large as a livestock animal project. There are hundreds of options based on a student's ability and interest. It does not require having access to a farm/ranch/property or require them to get a job. Students get to choose where their level of interest is, and teachers advise them throughout the project. To check out ideas for SAE opportunities, visit