Protecting our Dolphins

There are many ways that people are helping out, one main organization is the WDC. The WDC is also known as Whale & Dolphin Conservation. This association rescues and saves many whales and dolphins. According to WDC, their idea is, “Our vision of a world where every whale and dolphin is safe and free … but an essential means to sustain the future of our Earth …”  This is a remarkable deed and they are a non-profit organization which means they don’t get paid for doing this. They are taking their time to save our amazing and essential animals, what can you do to help?

Well, I have an idea! You could collect trash off of the beach. This ensures that the water doesn’t take all the trash from the sand! This could help the bottlenose dolphins! You could also help bottlenose dolphins by reducing the amount you fish. Whenever you go on a fishing trip try using a fishing rod instead of a net. Bottlenose dolphins can get trapped in those nets. There are many things that you can do to help these great animals!  Thank you for reading. - Hansini & Keerthanaa