Helping the Ocean

But don’t feel hopeless! There are plenty of ways a fifth-grader like you can help! For example, you can donate money to organizations like the Ocean Cleanup Organization. The Ocean Cleanup Organization is currently designing systems that will passively clean up highly polluted areas in the Pacific like the Great Garbage Patch which covers 1.6 million square kilometers (The Ocean Cleanup). You can find out more information about this program by searching, “The Ocean Cleanup” and click ‘About’, (to donate click the button ‘Donate’). But donating isn’t the only way to help, you can also help by cleaning up your local beaches or lakes! First, just get a bag and accumulate all the garbage in the area, and then try sorting through them to see which ones can be recycled, and ecycle as many as possible. So what if you don’t live nearby your local beach? No worries, instead you could save the people that are cleaning up the beaches some work, by using less plastic. For example, at the grocery store, use a leather bag, or, when offered a straw, use a steel reusable straw. If we all come together and work to make our future brighter, we can help the world to continue to prosper with its natural beauty and give life to future generations to come!