How the Arctic is Important

What’s interesting about the Arctic is that you think that there aren’t many people that live there but about 4 million people reside in that area. In this section, we are going to talk about how the Arctic is important and endangered. The Arctic is being threatened by people drilling for oil and gas and that can lead to oil spills if something goes wrong. In the website, it says, “Oil spills can kill birds, fish and marine mammals, as well as the smaller organisms that provide food for these larger species.” In this case the animals are part of the Arctic. The Arctic is important because it is home to many animals and humans which live there happily. If the Arctic is destroyed, this means that sea levels are going to rise, animals and humans will lose their homes and that will prove that global warming is getting worse. Think about this, if you and the whole world keep using gases and carbon dioxide, the future generations will be badly affected by this, but there is a way to help this problem.

This what happens to the Arctic and all its animals if you keep using carbon dioxide.

A part of a glacier of the arctic that just fell off.