How Narwhals are Important

A fact about Narwhals is that their extinction risk is near threatened and there are more than 80,000 Narwhals left. In this section, we are going to talk about how Narwhals are important and are at risk. Narwhals are important to the Arctic because they are at the top of the Arctic food web. According to the website, “Narwhals are on the top of the Arctic food web and play an important role in the environment. They are very important to the Arctic communities as they are a primary source of food.” If Narwhals become extinct, the arctic food web would collapse because the sea animals that get eaten by Narwhals would overpopulate and it would take over the food source they eat. Noise pollution also endangers Narwhals from shipping boats, marine construction, ocean military activity and more. This is bad for Narwhals because they rely on sound so this messes up how Narwhals find food or mates, navigation, and more. If you and the whole world help with noise pollution in the ocean or destroy the Arctic ecosystem with all the animals there, Narwhals will become extinct. You can help this problem, so think about that!

You should try to save Narwhals.

Three people trying to help that narwhal.