Facts about Narwhals

Did you know that a Narwhal's tusk, which is about 10 feet long, is actually an enlarged tooth? This is one of the amazing facts about Narwhals that you will find in this website. Narwhals are whales that have an enlarged tooth on its head, which their nickname is, the unicorn of the sea. Their looks depend on what age they are. Narwhals live in the Arctic Ocean under the ice of the Arctic. According to oceana.org, “Narwhals grow up to 18 feet (5.5 m) long and 3,530 pounds (1.6 metric tons).” A Narwhal’s diet is Greenland halibut, shrimp, squid, polar cod and arctic cod. These are only some facts that I’m going to tell you about Narwhals.

Three Narwhals swimming together.

A baby narwhal swimming.