Facts about the Arctic

Did you know that bird droppings help keep the Arctic cool? This is one of the amazing facts about the Arctic that you will find in this website. Let's talk about the Arctic’s location, you can find it at the top of the northern hemisphere. The Arctic covers parts of some countries, the United States, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. The average temperatures of the Arctic is 32° F in the summer and - 40° F in the winter. There are many things that live in the Arctic like whales, Pacific Salmon, seals, Narwhals, humans and more. According to Aurora Expeditions, a fun fact about the Arctic is, “The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the earth’s five major oceans, but still covers 14 million square kilometers - that’s almost twice the size of Australia.” This is only a part of what I am going to tell you about the Arctic.

This shows that people live in the Arctic.

What the Arctic's bottom looks like underwater.