
Negative Space Environment

Pencil, Watercolor


A lot of ideas regarding nature are ridden throughout the piece. For example, many drawings of flowers, mushrooms, and cactuses can be seen. This was inspired by and solely due to how we used leaves within this project, I wanted to depict a more natural setting. I began this with only the idea of the mushrooms, other ideas began to grow from there to make this piece into what it was in the end. I liked to play with odd proportions, making some things a lot larger than others that aren’t normally that size such as the cactuses and mushrooms. This piece relates to my life simply due to the main art style that I am interested in. I tried to bring a bit of that intro this piece, and that is solely why this piece relates to me personally. I chose to make what I make because I wanted to experiment in order to find my style more and overall I generally like how this turned out.

For this project I used pencil in order to outline the leaves and the border, as well as sketch out the drawings that I wanted on this piece. Afterward, I went and filled in the places I wanted with watercolor. I hadn’t used watercolor much in the past before, so I did struggle and mess up on some small parts but I still like the overall outcome. In the end I think watercolor is a material that I am very fond of, and plan to use it again for another project when I have the opportunity.

Making the base of the artwork by just drawing the outline of the leaves was simple, although it took a while to get right. After that I really just tried to experiment with what came to mind. In general I didn’t have many specific inspirations, and instead just wanted to do something based upon nature wether that be realistic or unrealistic. I started with the drawings of the mushrooms and went on from there, exploring with watercolor for the coloring process. My project evolved from one small section at the bottom of the piece where I was most inspired, to little ideas everywhere else. I began with just the sketches of mushrooms and cactuses and then began to draw more things from there such as the flowers, I used watercolor in order to bring color to the piece and in the end I like how it turned out. In general my next steps could be to keep experimenting with the sort of style that I attempted as well as keep going with watercolor.