2d design

sustained investigation #1

sustained investigation #2

sustained investigation #3

Semester 1 Reflection

my learning in this class?

since i transfered over to freeport from baxter i have learned different was to express emotion through various different types of art and lines. I am able to make a more successful piece of art in a shorter amount of time and have learn to give more respect to the work i do. it has taught me to be more appreciative of the feedback i get and really take it in to help myself progress in creating new works.

what have i been most successful with, why?

I have been the most successful with the sustained investigations because they were what i believe to be the more fun projects to do because we were able to do something that we wanted to do and loved. i put more thought into my sustained investigations so that they would come out just the way i wanted which make this project really fun for me and i enjoyed being able to work in class and get feedback, but as well working out of class in my own space. i don't know why but i feel like i almost liked the quick pase of the project because it got me to think and work faster bringing a better outcome to my work.

what have a struggled with, why?

I have struggled with the assigned project that went into competitions, they stressed me out and i wasn't able to paint to my full potential and get a good piece done. the duck stamp project was the one that i most struggled with because drawing animals is not my thing at all, i didn't get the proportions of my paper right and the swan overcame my paper. i tried my hardest with the competition pieces but they were definitely not my best or the best they could have been. i couldn't focus very well because i felt to distracted and stressed out in the time that was given to sketch and paint.

what are my artistic goals moving forward?

my artistic goals moving forward are to spend more time on my work to better the outcome and to add more detail. i want to be able to love the work i make instead of not really liking it.