Leading Lines Film Roll

The Image below is a picture of my leading lines film roll, as you can see the Images came out relatively clear except for a few at the top and near the bottom, the pictures are bright and hard to see due to me taking some pictures and a not so bright hall way and then other pictures in a very bright open space. It is my fault for not considering that they would come out like this if I had very different brightnesses.

The photo above is a picture of a hall in the school, as you can see the picture looks neutral brightness but mainly looks very old and withered due to the scratches and water marks. The reason there are scratches and water marks on the image is because when blowing up the picture I forgot to clean off the lense and there was some dirt and other things on the lens, but also when drying my image I didn't get rid of all the excess fluids from the image so when it dried it left some marks.