Inspired Image/Object Photogram

Sebastiao Salgado is a film photographer born on February 8th 1944 in Brazil. He was born during World War 2 and in february the battle of ist was fought in the adriatic sea. Sebastiao loves taking pictures of nature, humanity and his home country. He loves learning more about his culture and how it varies in different ways. When he worked on taking photos of poverty and nature he learned about the other side of his culture. He later worked on restoring a small part of the atlantic forest in brazil. He worked on restoring part of the forest because he was taking photos in that region, and he thought he owed back to that region for letting him take his photos there which would increase his career. At the beginning of his career he took pictures of poverty and oppression but later in his career he took pictures of the faces of poverty and oppression. We are both alike because we both love where we live and we both love nature and taking pictures of nature.

This object photogram I took with a pencil sharpener, a rubber band, a zipper a piece of metal and a nose cone they all are neatly organized to create a face like shape. I decided to make my Image like this because I wanted to make something original but diffrent. Especially because of all the ones I saw before I did mine were ones that fit the exact description of the project and were kind of the same. I chose to use these materials than others because I wanted the face to look like a robot not a regular human face.