3d design

 final reflection:

3-d art class has taken my 2-d art skills and challenged me to bring them to life. This class has helped me learn so many  skills, tips and tricks when working with clay. Also tips and tricks for working with other forms of 3-d media. I have always loved art classes but this Particular class is on a whole other level I think. The access to materials is insane. Projects that I have done here I most definitely would not have been able to make in my old school. Also seeing others form of 3-d art is so inspiring when creating your own. 

I think my work shows progress in how familiar I have gotten with working with clay. From George to my most recent clay creation there is a difference in technique and overall finish. While creating George I used larger pieces of clay so he is still a little lumpy also he has a couple small balls of clay in some areas. But you can see in my more recent work I used smaller clay pieces and let the clay be warmed by my hand and they are much smoother and have no random balls of clay.   

I am personally most proud of my second and third si creations because they are very spot on when compared to my original sketches although they had there challenges. But most of my pieces come with there own story's and inspirations so its hard to choose a favorite. Just creating a piece is relaxing because I enjoy creating art.