Capstone Design Step 4

Capstone Design Step 4!

For step 4 of our Capstone Design project, we had to do a ton of modeling, building, and testing. We had to create multiple detailed designs, do experiments and tests on the different materials and concepts, write a long lab report on all of our progress, research and produce a product life cycle report that states the manufacturing and recycling stories of our materials, and write a detailed cost analysis on all of the pieces of our project. It was a long month of work, but we are finally almost done with our prosthetic leg! 

Copy of keeley- Products Life Cycle Report

products life cycle report

Above is our products life cycle report. It is composed of many pages about the life cycle of all of the materials we are using in our prosthetic leg. It starts with the production and manufacturing of these materials and then goes into detail about how they are recycled/disposed of and where they end up in our world.

products life cycle poster

Above is the poster version of our products life cycle. It has many pictures of the materials in our prosthetic, and it shows facts about their individual life cycles.

keeley w- Detailed Experiments/Tests plan and set-up

detailed experiments/tests plan

Above is the report on our plans for testing our prototype. We go into more detail about the "mock cat" instrument we had to make and how that would help us with our testing. Then we explain the exact steps of how we will complete our testing.

Copy of keeley- Capstone Prototype Tests - Lab Report

capstone testing report

Above is a report on all of our testing for our capstone project. We had to test the different materials to determine their Young's Modulus which helped us make our decision on which elastic band is best. Then we had to test which angle is best for the leg to be bent at, which we did with the help of a "mock cat" to simulate a real cat walking.



Step 4 of the final Capstone project was a lot of hard and tedious work. We had to do a ton of research and testing to figure out the best materials and ideas for our prosthetic leg. Throughout the past few weeks, I have learned a lot about the engineering and design process, and how to use 3D printing software to create different prosthetic prototypes, and eventually our final project. I did pretty well in 2 C's and not so well in another 2 C's, when it comes to the 6 C's. 

The first C I did well in was collaboration. There were many assignments to complete during step 4, so my group and I collaborated with one another every day in order to get all of the work done on time. We split up most of the work, so I mainly worked on 3D printing our prosthetic prototype. The second C I did well in was critical thinking. I did a ton of independent work during the past few weeks in order to get my team on track and complete more assignments. I had many ups and downs while 3D printing, so I had to think critically and intelligently to move past these hurdles. I ended up 3D printing our whole prototype, and it looks really good!

The first C I didn't do so well in, however, was communication. I felt like our team could have communicated a little more to each other, since many of us were doing separate things. Another category I wish I had been better in was conscientious learning. My group and I didn't manage our time very well during the past few weeks so we turned in many assignments late. We should've planned better and started thinking sooner about these assignments so that we could have stayed on track. We will be better for step 5 of the Capstone project, so that we can produce the best version of our cat prosthetic by STEM senior night!