Capstone Design Step 3

Capstone Design Step 3!

For step 3 of the final Capstone project, we focused more on the designing and building aspects of our prosthetic leg, rather than the research behind everything. First, we revised our project proposal to clearly state what our final project was going to be. We created a decision matrix to help us narrow down our design ideas, and then we prepared for the STEM board funding/project update presentation. We made a slideshow including a ton of information about our Capstone project and the additional funding we wanted, and the presentation went really well! We received the extra money, so now it's time to put it to good use! Capstone design step 4 is up next!

Evaluation of Alternative Concepts

evaluation of alternative concepts report

Above is our evaluation of alternative concepts report. It has many pages of information and details on our Capstone idea, and explains how we chose the prosthetic leg that would work the best for our plans/desires.

decision matrix

decision matrix

Above is the decision matrix we created to help us choose the best design for our prosthetic leg. We ended up going with the "tiger" design!

pictures of our first "working" prosthetic prototype

Here are pictures of our first working prototype that we presented in front of the STEM board. All of it is 3D printed, with the exception of the harness. We still have a lot of work to do in order to improve it, but we're well on our way!

final capstone proposal

final capstone proposal

Above is our final revised Capstone proposal. It's many pages worth of information, research, designs, and more about our project idea.

STEM coordinator funding presentation

stem coordinator funding presentation

Above is our funding presentation that we presented to the STEM board with the hopes of getting more money to make our project better. We ended up receiving the extra funding!



Step 3 of the final Capstone project was less work than the last step, but it was a ton of repeating and re-evaluating in order to make the best working prototype. Throughout the past few weeks, I have learned a lot about the engineering and design process, and how to use CAD software and decision matrices to come up with possible designs for our prosthetic. Regarding the 6 C's, I did well in two categories, and not so well in two others

The first C I did well in was collaboration. There were many assignments to complete during step 3, so my group and I collaborated with one another every day in order to get all of the work done on time. We split up most of the work, so I mainly worked on 3D printing our prosthetic prototype. The second C I did well in was critical thinking. I did a ton of independent work during the past few weeks in order to get my team on track and complete more assignments. I had many ups and downs while 3D printing, so I had to think critically and intelligently to move past these hurdles. I ended up 3D printing our whole prototype, and it looked really good!

The first C I didn't do so well in, however, was communication. I felt like our team could have communicated a little more to each other, especially since one team member was gone for many days and didn't always know what we were doing or how she could help. Another category I wish I had been better in was conscientious learning. My group and I didn't manage our time very well during the past few weeks. We should've planned better and started thinking sooner about tinkering and how we were going to 3D print our designs We got everything printed on time for the presentation, but our prototype was very rough and not even put together fully. We also should have talked to our mentors sooner/more times since we could have used their help and wisdom. We will be better for step 4 of the Capstone project!