Rube Goldberg Machine

Rube Goldberg


A Rube Goldberg machine is a machine that has several steps that together complete a simple task. Every step produces an effect in which each step activates the next one. The machine was named after American cartoonist Rube Goldberg. His most famous example was the "self-operating napkin."


Our team of engineers has created a Rube Goldberg machine, visiting several different places around the world. We Worked great together as a team, problem solving and discovering new techniques as we worked over zoom and social distancing. We had a few issues during the presentation where one of our teammates internet cut out, but we covered it up well, as I read from where she left off until she came back online. I learned that it is important to stand up and be a leader, but sometimes, I just need to sit back and let others take the reigns.


Maybe next time, we could do a few things a little different. We had a hard time communicating over this project. It was hard to ask my teammates to come in at lunch or tutorial so we could continue our project, because there is no zoom meeting for lunch. Distance leaning was a big leap for all of us, and that stunts lots of opportunities.