Heart Valve

Evidence oF work

In this project, I worked in a group setting, to create a prototype human aortic valve. We first researched the properties and functions of the heart. Then, we learned about Young's Modulus, an equation that finds the stiffness of a material. We used this knowledge of Young's Modulus to find a similarly stiff material to build the heart valve out of. We then sketched, tested, and finalized our prototype and wrote a write-up.

Our prototype was smaller than the other groups, but I think it was much more effective than the others. It was liquid-tight, and was able to open and close due to pressure.

This is our padlet where we discussed important information we gathered at the start of the project.

Copy of How heart tissues work - Their structure and composition

This is our research from the start of the project of all parts of the heart.

These are the sketches and notes that I took on paper. This was in the beginning of the process to understanding the generalities of the heart before diving into specific parts.

External Parts

Posterior View

Anterior View


Function of Aortic Valve

This is analyzing the flow of blood through the heart valve.

Copy of Research Forces, Elasticity, Stress, Strain and Young’s Modulus

Research Forces

Collaborate in writing what important information I'vs gathered about Forces, Elasticity, Stress, Strain and Young’s Modulus that can help us develop our design.

Alexander Goodin - (Part 3) Steps 1 and 2 - Heart valve modeling and material testing


Includes our testing for young's modulus and stress/strain.

Report - Heart Valve Part 3


Summary of all data collected in part 1 and 2.

Design a heart valve (Part 3) Steps 3, 4 and 5

Final Report

Includes all testing and findings for our prototype.



After testing 5 other models we ended up choosing this one.

Capstone Gantt Chart

This is our gantt chart. It was made for us to be efficient in time management.


Blood Flow - Deoxygenated blood enters the heart through the Vena Cava which then goes into the right atrium, the blood then flows through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. The blood is now located in the lower right section of the heart which when constricted pushes blood through the pulmonary valve and then into the pulmonary artery to pick up oxygen from the lungs. Re-oxygenated blood travels back from the lungs and re-enters the heart through the pulmonary veins which continues into the left atrium, at the top of the heart. Blood is then pushed through the bicuspid (mitral) valve into the left ventricle, which then goes through the aortic valve into the aorta going to the rest of the body.

Blood Pressure - EXAMPLE: 120/80

The 120 is the systolic pressure, the peak pressure produced by the contracting ventricles.

The 80 is the diastolic pressure, the pressure in your arteries when the ventricles are relaxed.

The Chordae Tendineae - are attached to papillary muscles (heartstrings) that hold heart valves in place.

Valves within the Heart Makeup (tricuspid and mitral valves) - The valves are made up of strands of collagen and elastin called chordae tendineae, which anchors prevent the valve leaflets from opening in the wrong direction.

Elasticity - The measurement of an object or variables sensitivity to change. It can be seen that the Young's modulus varies from 20 kPa to 92 MPa, covering sub-physiological and supra-physiological ranges of cardiac tissue elasticity. The heart needs elasticity so the chambers can pump blood through, expanding and detracting with changing amounts of blood.

Stress - force per unit area within materials that arises from externally applied forces, heating, etc

Strain - The measurement of how much an object can stretch before it is deformed.

Young’s Modulus - Calculates the stiffness of an object, testing how easily it can be bent or stretched.


During this project, I felt our group was very good at communication. Our group decided to split up some tasks by communicating what each person was doing and then come back together and discuss what we each did. This worked very well for our group because it gave everyone more perceived time and helped everyone conclude their tasks to better understand the project. Something else we did well with was time management. When we were given this project we got straight to work collecting data, and this was beneficial to our group because we got ahead of the work, and then we were able to split up the rest of the assignments and complete them all on time. Overall this was a very successful project and I learned a lot of new things about hearts.

During this project, which also seems to be a recurring theme, is that I struggle on my character as a group member. I like taking the lead in the project and can sometimes lead to teammates feeling not included. I am also very impatient with people that struggle with grasping the topic. I need to work on inclusion and assisting others in their work. Something else I struggled with was conscientious learning. We were collecting lots of valuable data but I just did not like the project. So it is hard for me to come to class everyday wanting to learn, when I don't. I am glad we are moving on to our capstones. This way we can come to class wanting to do work, not being forced.