Life in America

Liliana's Life in America

Liliana's initial move was very difficult. She faced lots of discrimination at her work place and those experiences have stuck with her up until now. One of the moments of discrimination that impacted her most happened when she was working as an analytical chemist.

When she first started in America, she spoke very little English, so her coworkers didn't see her as a qualified worker. Her job was to run diagnostics on other people's tests, and when she denied a coworker's test, the coworker went into a racist rampage. Liliana was in shock, just sitting there while an angry white woman was screaming horribly racist things at her. She felt powerless, so her only response was to go to the bathroom and start crying.

After the incident she took a break from work to start her family with her husband and never went back. She became a math and science teacher for students that spoke Spanish as a first language. She then became a Spanish teacher to spread her Peruvian culture in the best way she knew how. Despite facing discrimination at her previous job, Liliana persevered and found success teacher and loves to spread her culture to all that would listen.