Dual Enrollment

The purpose of this section is to help students who are thinking about dual enrolling know what classes to take, as well as guide current students through normal yet difficult processes. Any class that Ms. Beeckman approves can be taken for dual enrollment. But when looking for classes to take, you often have questions like How hard is this class for a high school student? and Was this class fun? that Ms. Beeckman can't exactly answer. As our school gets larger this information will be easier to come by, but for now, as much as you can get is helpful.

If you are a current dual enrollment student please fill out this survey about your class so we can gather more data for the site.

People come into the dual enrollment process at many different places. Some people know exactly what class they want to take but have no idea how to navigate GRCC. Some people are already a dual enrollment student, but don't know what class to take. We hope that this will help you figure out what to do no matter where in the process you are.