To understand the definition of ANY word, begin with Roget's Thesaurus for a list of synonyms (words with the same or very similar meaning). Synonyms will help to make connections between the new word and words you already know. Then, head to Google Images for visual clues about the word. Finally, read sentences with the word used in context at yourdictionary.com.
100 Words Every Middle Schooler Should Know
Quizlet review of 100 Words adjectives (A-0 only)
Quizlet review of 100 Words VERBS
Quizlet review of 100 Words NOUNS
Quizlet review of 100 Words --> all 100!!
100 Words VERBS (old-school video games review!) *Click on one of the PURPLE games like Pong, PacMan, or Asteroids. You'll be asked to answer vocabulary review questions throughout your video game!
100 Words NOUNS old-school game
Here's the awesome Mr. Peterson to tell you how to turn YOUR vocabulary lists into games (how cool is THAT?!).
Quizlet study set -->This is one of MANY study sets already created for you by teachers and students. Head to quizlet.com and search "100 Words Every Middle Schooler Should Know" for other review lists OR create your own! Quizlet will provide games, flashcards, and quizzes to help you master vocabulary words.
All PVJH students are invited to join Mrs. Small's Quizlet review site!
Activities for Learning the 100 Words
Practice Quiz (scroll to the bottom of the link to click on the quiz)
Triangle Puzzle (created by the awesome Mrs. Small!)
Study Strategies
vocabulary.com --> Use the list provided at this link OR create your own!
cram.com --> Make your own flaschards here!
adobespark! --> Make your own flashcards and study with a friend!
Academic Vocabulary
Academic Vocabulary Notes (A bit random - but words we'll encounter this year and likely on MAP and ISASP)
Vocabulary.com Practice of Academic Vocabulary: ELEMENTS OF PLOT
Argument Unit Vocabulary Quizlet
Book Talk Terms Quizlet
ELA Terms Quizlet
Elements of Plot Quizlet
Literary Elements Vocablulary Quizlet
Theme Unit Vocabulary Quizlet
Test-Taking Terms (A bit random - but words we'll encounter this year and likely on MAP and ISASP as well as words that those of you reading-lovers will enjoy knowing!)
Vocabulary.com Practice Lists
Fun with Words
Make flashcards (thanks Guna K. for finding this site!)
A spelling editing/proof-reading game on Funbrain.
Visit dictionary.com for spelling, pronunciation, definition, thesaurus, word of the day, etc.
Provide an email address to the New York Time to receive a Word of the Day every day!
Anagrams - to amaze your friends and family!
For crossword puzzles, locating word families (Greek/Latin Roots), or just for fun.
Greek and Latin Roots games
Alan Cooper's homonym collection