Discovered a broken link? Found a great site to add? Please contact me so I can revise our class web page! -Ms. Wyatt
Remember, to open documents from Ms. Wyatt website you need to have your Google Docs account open in another tab. You can't open our classroom documents if your device is not logged into your Google Docs or Google Classroom account!
Analysis Essay
Learning to Use NOODLE TOOLS to create a theme analysis essay: click here during our in-class lesson.
How to Determine Theme *This is a YouTube video. You will not be able to use the district WiFi to view the video.
For the Birds *This is a YouTube video. You will not be able to use the district WiFi to view the video.
Handout to accompany How to Determine Theme and For the Birds activity.
Theme Analysis Essay - paragraph 1 example
Tips: If a document won't open, please open your GoogleDoc account FIRST and then click to open the link. If the link is for a Youtube video, you will not be able to view it using PVJH Internet.
Brainstorming a Topic
Argument Speech
All Men are Created Equal (From To Kill a Mockingbird)
You Treat a Person (From Patch Adams)
Drafting and Revising an Argument
Sample Argument Essays
An excellent collection of sample essays. Scroll down for a link on a color-coded essay that shows how to construct an argumentative essay.
Book Talks & Journal Sharing
Personal Philosophy (This I Believe)
Tips: If a document won't open, please open your GoogleDoc account FIRST and then click to open the link. If the link is for a Youtube video, you will not be able to view it using PVJH Internet.
This I Believe Teen Writing (with podcasts)
Suspenseful Scene
Tips: If a document won't open, please open your GoogleDoc account FIRST and then click to open the link. If the link is for a Youtube video, you will not be able to view it using PVJH Internet.
Warning: Jump scares, blood, death, and gore are NOT elements of well-crafted suspense and will not be permitted.
Winning Essays
Figurative Language
Concise Writing (a requirement for this project). See the completed activity in your red binder.
Phobias - things people fear. Perhaps reading this list will give you an idea for your suspense scene.
Youtube link for eerie music to write to (will not work on PVJH server).
Notice how a simple object (a swing set, a doorway, or a music box) can be eerie. This video will not work on PVJH server.
More story starters. This is a BLOG site, so be aware that content is added to by the general public and may be changed from day to day.