Assessment Prep

Online Learning Programs

Check out the links at Monterey Institute for free home-school and tutorial sites. Find the topics which interest YOU and explore! Conversely, find your areas of weakness and brush up on your skills.


You cannot study for the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress, but you CAN prepare by getting plenty of sleep, eating a good breakfast, staying hydrated (drink water!), maintaining a growth mindset, and becoming familiar with the format of the test! Click the link below to become familiar with the tools and format of the assessment.

Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress

Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Preparation

Test-taking can be very stressful. The best way to prepare is by maintaining a growth mindset EVERY DAY at school (all year long), reading outside of class, and reaching out to teachers when you feel confused by things being taught. If you'd like to review vocabulary terms, there are Quizlet links below or you may search for MAP vocabulary lists on

WARNING: learning is about something much deeper than just working for a "high score" on a test. YOU are MORE than a test score. Strive to be a life-long learner rather than just a good test-taker.