Welcome to my Global Portfolio


Hi! My name is Aayah Mazraany and I am 17 years old.  As a senior at Andover High School, I am delighted to be a part of the Global Pathways program because it is a great opportunity to learn about the world and become a global thinker. Global Pathways is a brilliant combination of some of my favorite things to do: travel, help out those in need, work on saving the planet, and become involved in other cultures. I already find myself having a more global mindset as I notice global issues in the world around me and am quick to look for possible solutions. This program has shown me that I can make a difference in the world, starting locally and eventually expanding to impact people all over. 

My Background

My father immigrated to the United States from Lebanon before I was born. The rest of his family still lives in Lebanon and we go every summer to visit them and learn more about our culture and relatives. My two siblings and I have spent many years in Arabic school learning how to read and write in Arabic, and I am fluent enough to communicate with my many cousins and friends I have in Lebanon. In Lebanon you constantly see trash lining the streets, and people rummaging through trash to find dinner for the night. I am commited to helping ease the trash crisis in Lebanon and have spent much time researching and interviewing recycling programs in Lebanon. Additionally, I make sure to do my share of picking up trash off the streets locally to ensure that my community in the United States doesn't one day look like my community in Lebanon.

I really believe that my background and culture strongly influence the things I wish to change about our world today. Seeing trash in the streets in Lebanon and in nearby towns makes me want to do things that can help improve the environment so that people can live a more fulfilling life like the one that I am grateful to have.

My Journey in Lebanon

Every summer, my siblings and I visit Lebanon. While there, we stay in our house with our grandparents, all of our cousins, and our aunts and uncles. Below is the annual picture that we take every year to show the cousins growing up.









Future Plans

This fall I will be attending Boston College. While there, I look forward to continue my global journey through study abroad opportunities. I plan on minoring in Environmental Sciences to continue my capstone and AP Environmental Science research about how different countries deal with their waste differently and ultimately have different results.

The Andover High School Global Pathways Program is a series of experiences for students and faculty to thrive as global citizen-scholars, in our complex, dynamic, and diverse global society. Students are guided by faculty advisors as they travel their global path through world language study, immersive travel, service learning, a Global Research Project, global course work and other experiences that lead toward the Endorsement for Global Engagement.