
2022 Global Summit

April 29, 2022

The 2022 Global Summit was a success! As the first summit back following Covid shutdowns, everyone was excited to be back together to continue global learning. I met many new people from the icebreaker activities and was happy to be surrounded by enthusiastic people. We focused on learning about new cultures by engaging in activities such as salsa dancing to dive into Cuban culture, exploring Hawaiian culture through making leis, learning about Rwandan culture through the portal, and painting rocks to spread kindness. The 2022 summit educated me about many different cultures that I did not previously know about.

We had the oppurtunity to learn how to make leis from students that had visited Hawaii on a service trip.

As an ice breaker, we were able to learn how to Salsa dance from a Cuban classmate.

We had the oppurtunity to connect with an individual in Rwanda and learn about the culture there.

We painted rocks with encouraging words to spreak kindness, and also included some cultural traditions on the painted rocks.

HBlock Workshop

October 12, 2022

During an exciting HBlock in 2022, some global students had the opportunity to design the Global scarecrow that was displayed in downtown Andover. The global scarecrow shows people in the community what global is and what our purpose is all about. This year, we created a scarecrow holding up many flags of different countries, showing the diverse cultural group that global pathways consists of.

2024 Global Summit

April 3, 2024

As a senior global scholar, I had the opportunity to welcome the underclassmen to their first ever global summit! We greeted them with an ice breaker to get them started with the exciting day and get the global students to learn more about one another.

This year, we were able to participate in a fun activity in which we assumed the role of a bird trying to live while there life was changing all around them. We learned how global warming can affect animala' habitats and roles.

A group of AHS students traveled to Thailand during February of 2024. On their trip they were able to learn how Thai people make the paper that they use. At the 2024 summit, the group taught the other global scholars how to make this special paper sustainably. 

Finally, at the 2024 Global Summit, we were able to make sushi. We learned about Korean culture as we made our own sushi rolls.