Sneaker Ad Campaign

My Sneakers


Comfortable fit and stable structure, you've never seen a shoe like this.



Perfect for any occasion, whether it's just casual or a major sport.


Here are my original static ads!

Sneaker Ads.mp4

This is my animated ad that I created. I made all of the frames and descriptions using Canva.

Here is my elevator speech. The video is on the right and the transcription is on the left.

Hello. I am Sienna Stengel and I am here to sell you my new shoes. 

Have you ever had to get rid of a your favorite pair of shoes because of how much they were worn away. Over the past year, we have had many shoe companies come to us with a decrease in their sales due to this issue. Some customers stopped buying shoes from their companies altogether. Well, not with these shoes. My shoes offer new, high quality and advanced technology to keep them in great shape for however long you want them. No more broken soles and laces. Buy the Valentine and Dreamy shoes today!!