See next how Baker-Bot can help improve your life!



Newest, high-tech design to make your life easier and save time to enjoy life


Here is the logo that I made for my robot

This is my robot pitch poster!!

Here is my Elevator Speech:

Hi I am Sienna Stengel and I am here to introduce you to my new robot.

Have you ever come home from work or school too tired to do anything? And then the problem hits that you have to make dinner. You might end up spending extra money on fast food or DoorDash. This is where Baker-Bot comes in. Baker-Bot is a high tech design so you never  have to cook again. Baker-Bot’s oven functions as a stove as well as a regular oven. It is programmed to make even the most difficult recipes. It even has a cooling rack and built in cooking utensils so you don’t have to worry about extra dishes either. And finally it even brings everything to the table for you!  I had a friend who worked 70 hour weeks and never had time to really do anything much other than work until the weekend. She also had 2 kids at home. At night, she had to rush through the dinner process and often stayed up late working in the kitchen to keep everything clean and food on the table. When she found out that Baker-Bot hit the market, she immediately ordered it. Now that she has Baker-Bot to rely on, she has tons of free time to spend with her kids and she can go to bed earlier. Now you can order it too! Just head to my website and you’ll have tons of extra time too. 

Thank you for your time!