This page is all about the projects that we've done in Adobe illustrator. We have done many projects but my favorite one was when we made an emoji of a famous person or character. 

But it wasn't all easy. There were some difficult parts that made it harder. In my opinion, the most difficult part of the project was keeping the shapes to the right measurements and getting all of the drawings and individual shapes on their own layers.

These are the emojis that I created. We did a lot of experiments with the mouth and eye shapes. These are the results!

This is my famous person/character that I made. Can you tell who it is?

This was my Ed Emberly vector graphics part of the project

Another fun project that we did was our mission to Mars patch. Our challenge was to design a patch that we could wear during the field trip part of our project. We did all of our work using Adobe illustrator. Here are the final results!!

This is the actual patch finished and ready for printing

This is the original design before I put it on the patch.

This next part was my favorite Vector Graphics project. We got to make real animations that turn into real GIFs!! But it wasn't all easy. There was one animation that took me a while to get right. The head kept falling off and I had to redo it about 5 times before I realized the real problem. There was also an animation that I had a lot of fun playing around with. It was the first animation that I did with a bone structure. I experimented with the leg and arm length and it made some funny results. Even when I was exporting, the backgrounds lost their original color. The end results turned out really great in the end. Here are all of my completed animations.

This windmill was the easiest one to make. It didn't have may steps to it.

This one is a carnival ride. It had more steps but was still pretty simple.

This doll one was the hardest. It took me many tries and help from my friend to find out what I did wrong.  In the end, the outcome is really good.

This animation was probably the most fun. I enjoyed experimenting with the bone structure/lengths and shapes of the body parts. Even though you can't see it now, there is an entire formation behind this animation that makes her jump.

This animation here was complicated but easy. It had two parts and the actual animation showed up in a different browser instead of the app that I was working in. I had some trouble with the programming for them to run across. They ran across once and never came back! I hope that you like the finished result though.