The page that we are on now is all about our 3D modeling project. We started be using an app called SketchUp to make the initial structure. We then created a video using a program called ScreenCast-o-Matic. 

We then imported our house into an app called 'Blender'. It made the house's colors and textures super realistic and it made it much easier to get a good view of the house. The app itself is a bit different than SketchUp but is just as fun to use.

This is my first draft image of my 3D house. I was able to choose all of the colors and designs that are on the house.

This is my first draft video for my SketchUp 3D house animation. I used a program called ScreenCast-o-Matic to record it. I made all of the scenes for the actual animation in SketchUp. Then I just edited and here it is.

This is the house's image from Blender. I had to export it from SketchUp and then import it to Blender to actually start the image process. There are many confusing settings in Blender and I made a few mistakes until I finally got it right.  I can say that is much more realistic  and better lit then the image from SketchUp. I was able to better position the camera in Blender as well. The lighting and the camera are two separate settings but with very similar instructions. it took a while to actually get the angle and the lighting right because I was in a side view and I kept zooming out instead of moving the camera.  Regardless, the results are very worth the while.

230208 Simple House 10 second Spin (100 percent) Sienna Stengel.mp4

This is my 10 second Simple House Spin animation that I made using Blender. It was really fun to make. The only thing that I did not enjoy was waiting for it to render. I had to import my house file from SketchUp  into Blender and then Keyframe it to make this animation.

230217 Modern Art One 10 second spin- Sienna Stengel0001-0300.mp4

This is my Modern Art 3D model that I made also using Blender. It was sort of the same process as the house except I got to choose the measurements and shapes. This is the first one that I have made but I will be making many more throughout the rest of the year. 

230217 Modern Art One 10 second spin ( Above view included)- Sienna Stengel0001-0300 (1).mp4

This is a video of the same model but instead it shows and above view so that you can see all of the details that it has. The side view is great but this really captures all of the details and shapes that are involved.