" An amazing experience for all students and really pushes you to your greatest abilities,"

About Me

Hello there! I am Sienna Stengel, the creator of this website. As of right now, I am a 6th grader at Ed White's DATA program. My name is Sienna but my friends call me CC. We have done many projects through this year including the site that you are reading this on this very second.  One of my most favorite things to do in my free time is art. I love to draw and paint every chance that I get. I also love to try and experiment with all different styles and types of drawings. I also enjoys sports, I played on a soccer team for seven years and plan to continue in 7th grade on the school team. My most favorite sport however, has to be swimming. It is the perfect sport for hot Texas weather.

My favorite thing about DATA is the technology that we have learned about. A lot of it helps me when I'm just working on a computer in general. Keyboard shortcuts are most helpful while doing the majority of computer work.  I really love this school and I am excited for what comes next!

About DATA

So far I have loved the DATA program. There are so many fun projects and amazing teachers here. Our principal here at Ed White is Mr. Ruiz and our official DATA director as of this year is Christina Szabo. 

As you may already know, we do a lot of work with technology here. We have learned how to use so many computer programs. We have learned the majority of both the Adobe and Google apps. My favorite Adobe programs were Photoshop and Animate. They were both really fun and a very memorable experience. My favorite Google app was Google drawings. We made a lot of amazing things like drawings, posters, etc.

Click here or on the DATA man to visit our website and learn more about what we do here at DATA!