"Having your kids come to DATA is a great experience. DATA is a great place to go if your child is interested in designing or technology. Coming to DATA is like joining a second family." 

About me

Hello! My name is Ava Ullman. Besides from school, I usually socialize with my friends either just talking, or playing Roblox. Other times I am around my cat named my Myles. Myles is a Persian cat that is often very sleepy. He is my joy, and is about seven years old. Right now, one of my hobbies is doing diamond art. It's a photo that you go over with tons of gems that end in a beautiful result. I had just finished a painting of a giraffe, this specific diamond painting had taken me about two years. The diamond art I had just started was a photo of me and Myles the day I had just gotten him. You can learn more about diamond art in "My Favorite Things" section.

About DATA

DATA is a magnet program that I attend at Ed White MS. DATA stands for Design And Technology Academy.  If you happen to be interested in architecture, video game design, etc DATA will be the perfect place for you! If you may be worried about making new friends, don't worry! DATA is a great place about everyone getting along. Worried about location? If you are located in NEISD there will be a shuttle bus at your home middle school.

Here is Ed White's location

Here are a few websites with a little more information about DATA, Ed White, and DATA high school!

Yes, DATA does have a high school. To get into this high school, you don't have to go through the same lottery that you've done to get in to DATA MS. If you want to go to DATA HS all you have to do is get into the MS, then you automatically get in if that's the chosen HS for you.