Mr Robot

Welcome to my Mr Robot page! This is the page where I will be sharing everything I have done with my robot I created in AV COMM. So far, I have created my robot, logo, poster, and an elevator pitch to persuade people to want to buy my robot. I created everything on Adobe Illustrator. I used shapes mostly plus some of the tools like the pen tool to trace certain objects on the arms and more. I honestly really like how my robot looks and everything I added to it.

To the left, you can see the robot I have created. I named my robot the Helpful Hander. The Helpful Hander helps with cooking, cleaning and painting. It can really help for whenever people cannot do things physically around the house or because they don't have the time during the week. I worked pretty hard to create this robot and come up with the idea. It first started with drawing out my idea on a piece of paper. At the beginning I honestly had now idea what to do until I looked for inspiration on Google. I gathered multiple ideas I thought were cool and made it into one drawing.

To the right, you will see my logo. I honestly think I could've been a lot more creative with it because it just seems like I was very minimalistic with it. I usually like making my designs pretty unique, but I was pretty limited on time for this. It's not bad though, I just wish I did more with it. With this assignment, I also had to come up with the name "Helpful Hander". I thought Helpful Hander would really go with its physical appearance and everything it can do. It goes with it because the Helpful Hander has a lot of hands to help you with whatever you need around the house.

To the left, you can see the post I made that includes the name, robot, and the logo itself. At the bottom, it includes the price to the Helpful Hander too. This is honestly my favorite thing I've created with this project. I just love how I traced the easel and the turkey. It really adds to the poster itself. In this poster, I had to include three of the features my robot includes. I personally had a lot of fun making this one is particularly because I feel like I had creative freedom on how I wanted everything and what I would like to add to my robot in this poster.

Below is my elevator pitch that I had made to sell my robot. I think I did pretty good on it. We made these speeches to try to convince the audience to want to buy the robot and tell them everything it can do. I added a story into my elevator speech to make it a bit more relatable for people who might be in the same situation and make the robot really useful.

Hi, my name is Ava Ullman, and I’m the designer of my newest product called the Helpful Hander. The Helpful Hander is a robot that can help you with your household chores like cooking, cleaning, and painting. There is no other robot like the Helpful Hander. 

There was this kid named Emma, who had a grandma who had a lot of trouble getting up and being able to do her laundry or be able to even make herself dinner everyday. Emma and her mom had to constantly go over to her grandma’s house to help her out, but they got really busy to the point where they had no time to go over there. This is where Emma and her mom decided to get her grandma the Helpful Hander. Emma’s grandma had no more worries about cleaning her house, or making her daily means everyday. Emma can now go over to her grandma’s house and be able to not spend the whole time taking care of her grandma, she can now spend quality time with her, while the Helpful Hander takes care of all the work for her. 

The Helpful Hander is especially for people who cannot do household chores around the house or do not have the time to. Learn more about the Helpful Hander by talking to me. 

The Helpful Hander is an extreme life changer, and helps those around the house who really need it. I hope you would give the Helpful Hander a try, and I know it would not let you down. Thank you for your patience and time.

I hope you enjoyed my robot that I created for the past week and a half. I truly have worked hard on this, I'm glad I got to share it with you. I hope I create more things like this in the future because I can show my creativity. Thank you!