Business Food Truck

Welcome to my business food truck page! This is a page where where I will show you everything I have made for my business. (Ava's Pink Cafe) I have developed the idea of Ava's Pink Cafe years before, but now I am finally bringing the idea to life! Below you can see everything I have made like my truck, menu, and more!

To the left, you'll see my food truck for Ava's Pink Cafe! I decided that it would a really cute idea to make a food truck based off of a business I already created a while ago in a game I play in my freetime. I basically already had this whole idea in my head from a assignment I did last year in Multimedia, and my cafe I made already.

To the right, you can see the menu I have made fore my food truck! The menu includes everything like the type of food and drinks we sell to even Ava's Pink Cafe catering options. We also have a lot of seasonal offers for the parties. We love to make custom cakes for any events you have!

To the left, you can see the logo I have created to go onto my food truck. I made this logo off of Canva because they have a lot of cute templates to make your creations come to life. I honestly really like how this logo turned out and I think it really fits everything that I was going for because I didn't want to make it like all over the place. This logo is just cute and simple.

To the right, you can see the hiring poster to come work at Ava's Pink Cafe food truck. It includes what position we are looking for at the moment and what we are looking for the person to have in order to hire them. I also provided what comes with the job as well as a discount to buy whatever you want at the food truck. On the advertisement, there is an email to contact me at if you would like to apply or ask any questions.

I really like how this project turned out. This is probably my favorite project I've done in this class because I got to create something that I already had a whole idea for. I'm really glad that I got to make this and be very creative on it.